Saturday 19 November 2016



Me: they always come and go. I don’t entertain guys coming after my sister. She is too young to be tampered with.

Tunde: (smiling) I’m just pulling your legs. Our rules forbid such closeness with one another relatives, so chill friend.

Me: (smiling) I know that she is not even your type… just don’t have a change of heart. I don’t like people bothering my sister.

We both laughed over it and he insisted that I come over to rooftop hotel. I ended the call and I rushed to my room to change my clothes. It’s minutes after 6pm. I got a bike to the hotel and I went to straight to the relaxation spot.

I met Tunde, Ronke and three of the guys that got me beat up. They kept shouting and hailing me at the top of their voices (Ikoko Ikoko).

Me: (smiling) it feels good to back and alive with you guys.

Tunde: (smiling) yes oooo… you are the last person I expected to come bail me. Femi, you are the man. 3 gbosa for Femi.

They all shouted Gbosa! Gbosa!! Gbosa!!!. I ordered for two big bottle of stout while we chatted away, I drank off. Tunde and his friends thanked me for coming to their aid when all road seems blocked. Tunde thanked me for bringing him and Ronke back together: he said he never knew how precious she was to him until he got into the police net. I looked at her and she looks away; maybe Tunde’s words got her off guard.

Me: (smiling) it’s nothing my guys. I know that you would have done the same thing for me.

Tunde: (smiling) sure. Now I will do more than that for you.

We continued chatting and I could feel that I getting tipsy because of my alcohol intake. I checked the time; I was about excusing myself from their midst when I saw Shade. She wore a very tight jean and a colourful T-shirt. Her buttocks protrudes outside even in her tight jean. I called out her name (Shade). She looked back and puts on a lovely smile as she waited for me to come over. Tunde and co kept shouting ‘ikoko’ as I left the table. I approached her and we walked slowly together to the hotel building.
Me: (smiling) good evening Shade

Shade: (smiling) good evening Femi.

Me: I came to hangout with my friends. I was about to come inside to check on you when I saw you.

Shade: okay, here I am. What do you want from me?

Me: (smiling) why are you this cold towards me? I thought I apologised to you the other day.

Shade: do you want to know the truth Femi?

Me: (confused) yes

Shade: I have made many mistakes in my life by allowing everybody into my life. I choose my friends now and I don’t think you passed to be called one

Me: (furious) that’s the harshest thing that someone has ever said to me. So, I’m the one begging to be your friend. Who do you think you are? The last time I checked; you are one of the hottest chick in school. You are afraid that the tides has changed against you. You are not cute like our days in school. You are just a common hotel chef. Rubbish girl.

Shade: (tears in her eyes) thank you. I’m a rubbish girl. Can I go now?

Me: (remorse) I’m sorry Shade. I never meant to make you feel this bad. I just wanted to make you angry like I promised the last time we talked on the phone. I mean no harm Shade.

Shade: (sobbing) please just stay away from me. I don’t want people like you around me.

I was about to say something but she ran off before my words started making sense. It seems she is hurt by something. I need to get closer to her to find out; but how will I get closer if she keeps pushing me away. I stood there for sometime; sinking the whole event in. The look at my wrist- watch brought me back to my senses. It’s 7pm. I dint even bother saying goodbye to Tunde&Ronke. I rushed out of the hotel compound and I headed straight home .

I went my to the bathroom. Took my bath and headed straight to Badoo’s room. He’s not back from school. I made use of his mouth floss; shut his door and went back to my room.

I laid there thinking about the event with Shade. I wanted to call her but I don’t want her to start thinking about it again. I drafted a text message and I forwarded it to her.

“I have never being this confused about someone. I just wanted to be your friend (nothing more). If you think I’m not good enough to be your friend; it’s your choice. I’m sorry about today. For the record; you look cuter when you smile to when you are angry and in tears. Let me picture you smiling.”

It’s 9pm now and my little sister didn’t bring my super. I laid on my bed without thinking about the whole event that happened during the day. I connected a call to Bidemi. She told me that she was about to call me. She said that their dad is now home with them. I ended the call and I slept off.

I woke up around 2am starving. I went to the kitchen and I found my rice in the kitchen; covered. I microwaved it and I brought the plate full of rice to me. I looked at my phone and I saw Sarah, Adedoyin, Motunrayo and Shade’s missed calls on my phone. I don’t think Sarah and Adedoyin can help my situation now. I flashed Shade and she called back almost immediately. I picked.

Me: hello Shade

Shade: good morning Femi.

Me: good morning Shade. I dint want to disturb your sleep; that is why I flashed to know if you are still up.

Shade: I don’t sleep if I’m on night shift. I’m always on standby.

Me: okay.. work things. That’s lovely. Shade, I need a favour from you.

Shade: (curiously waiting) what is it?

Me: please and please; I don’t want to get into a quarrel with you this morning. I promise to be nice.

Shade: okay… I’m sorry about today

Me: I’m the one that ought to apologise to you. I’m sorry.

Shade: it’s okay. I’m just intimidated anytime I see you.

Me: I’m still the same old Femi you know Shade. Things have not changed with me. I still care about people around me.

Shade: so tell me, what changed you from being an introvert? I can’t remember you doing anything back then in school.
I laughed and I explained how my love life all started. How I was slapped at the cinemas and how Tunde hooked me up with older ladies. She was such a good listener and she kept asking me questions that I gladly answered.

Me: I have said a lot about myself; so let’s talk about you?

Shade: (smiling) what do you want to know about me?

Me: everything. To start with, what changes you from being an extrovert?

Shade: (smiling) I’m still an extrovert. I still party and hangout with my friends. It’s just that I have restricted some of my wild life.

Me: (smiling) interesting. What do you mean by wild life?

Shade: you know most of it already. Smoking, drinking, sleeping with older and married men, snatching friends boyfriends and so many odd things.

Me: okay, what made you to stop?

Shade: (low voice) my parents sent me away because of my wayward life. I have to fend for myself now.

Me: (sounding sorry) but you are a changed person now. Why don’t you go back to beg them?

Shade: (sobbing) it’s more complicated than you think. I think we should talk about something else.

Me: (smiling) sure.

We talked till 4am in the morning. She seems a very nice person. She told me some of her escapades in school. I laughed at every one of them while she mocked me for not getting any school experience.

Shade: (smiling) it’s been long I have been this happy. Thanks for your time

Me: (smiling) me too… I really enjoyed your company. I hope everyday would be like this; not like yesterday

Shade: (giggles) me too… I have to start making breakfast for some people. I will call you later in the day.

Me: okay Shade. Take care of yourself.

Shade: and you too

She ended the call on a very happy tone. I waited for 5minutes and I called her back. She picked almost immediately.

Shade: hello Femi.

Me: I’m sorry for calling back again. I just want to hear your sweet voice again before going back to bed. It’s just melodious.

Shade: (smiling) is that why you called back?

Me: yes, goodbye Shade.

Shade: okay bye, I will call you as soon as I’m done.

To Be Continued…

Another fish in the Net

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