Saturday 19 November 2016



I managed to greet her: trying not to make eye contact with her.

Me: (looking away) good morning Chidinma

Chidinma: (voice happy) good morning Femi, hope you are doing fine today?

Me: (smiling) yes, just had slight headache over the night; but I’m fine now.

Chidinma: (feeling sorry) sorry Femi…

Me: it’s okay.. thanks

I managed to look at her face without her being suspicious that I’m avoiding her face. I excused myself to my room with so many thought in my head. I just have to make love to someone very soon. Chidinma is my way out but I don’t know if she likes me or not; I don’t want to ridicule myself because of my s3xuall urge. I packaged my OGA very well and I went back to the living room for my tutorial.

Chidinma has already arranged herself for the tutorial. She smiled as she saw me coming. The smile brought back the urge that I have been fighting against. I smiled back and I hurriedly sat down; so as to avoid her seeing the bulge in my trousers.

She started reminding me about our last lesson. I couldn’t concentrate because all my thoughts were shifted to her very light complexion smooth laps, which is now exposed to because of her miniskirt. I started sweating profusely: even with the air condition on. She went on blabbing.

Chidinma: (smiling) I hope you are with me?

Me: (forcing a smile and sweating) yes, I mean no

Chidinma: (laughing) what do you mean by yes or no?

Me: I understood the part you talked about atom and the periodic table but I…… (cuts me off)

Chidinma: (laughing) I dint remember saying anything about periodic table. I think you should pay more attention to what I’m saying.

Me: okay ma

We both laughed and I tried to concentrate more about what she was talking about. She explained chemical kinetics and equilibrium system. She applied Le Chatelier’s principles; how it applied to the external influence of concentration, temperature, pressure and volume changes on equilibrium system.

I paid real attention to all she said. She asked questions and I replied her as if all my life depended on it. I don’t want her to take me as a dull person. She was really impressed and she jumped up when I answered one of her questions. I watched as her breastt bumps up in excitement. I lost control of myself again.

Me: (smiling) stop making feel like I’m special. I know that we still have a very long way to go.

Chidinma: yes I know but with the rate you understood Le Chatelier’s principles; I know that we will be done before your exam even commences.

Me: (smiling). I’m blushing my dear. Thank you.

Chidinma: it’s nothing! I think we should rest a little.

Me: (smiling) yes, but I have something to tell you.

Chidinma: (guessing) what is it Femi?

Me: it’s nothing. I know that I’m not supposed to be telling you this; but you are very beautiful today.

Chidinma: (giggles) thanks Femi, I thought you dint notice it.

Me: I sure did but I don’t want to cross the line with you.

Chidinma: how do you mean?

I moved closer to her and I placed my hands on hers and obviously staring at her nakedd laps.

Me: (takes a deep breath) I like you Chidinma. You are very beautiful. I mean very beautiful. I wished we met on a very different ground; things would have been easy for me.

Chidinma: (anxious) what are you saying?

I used the tip of my fingers to caress her shoulder. I leaned forward to whisper something into her ear. I intentionally made my chin to brush against hers. I was about to say something when I heard footsteps coming my way.

I quickly changed my sitting position as Funmilayo walks through the door. I felt like killing her. It’s almost 2pm and it’s Friday. She greeted us and she walked straight to her room. We were alone again but the mood has changed. We talked other things but the chemistry is not there again.

We continued chatting without making reference to our unfinished talk. We stared into each other eyeballs once in a while; she seems interested in me continuing with the former discussion but I just waved it aside.
Chidinma: it’s late now. I think I should be taking my leave.

Me: okay.. I really enjoyed today’s lessons.

Chidinma: (smiling) me too. Today is gone; Monday would be another day.

I saw her off to the gate and waited till she got a bike. I rushed back upstairs with lots of things going through my mind. A part of me was telling me that I ought to have kissed Chidinma before my kid sister entered; while the second part was just okay with how the whole event turned out. I kept thinking about the whole issue that I slept off. I woke up around 5pm in the evening and I saw 2 missed calls on my phone. It’s from Bidemi. My s3xuall urge returned; why on earth haven’t I thought of Bidemi. I hurriedly connected a call to her and she picked.

Bidemi: hello Femi

Me: (smiling) I’m surprised to see your missed calls on my phone.

Bidemi: yes, since you dint bother calling. I decided to call.

Me: okay.. that’s very lovely of you. I miss you Bidemi.

Bidemi: (surprised) really. What is it Femi? I hope I have not done anything wrong?

Me: (smiling) no, why do you think like that?

Bidemi: (voice serious) because you have never told me that you missed me before; unless I said it first. So what is it?

Me: (smiling) you are very funny. I might not say it in words but I do show it whenever we see

Bidemi: (not convinced) okay ooo.. I miss you too.

Me: I really want to kiss you and touch you.

Bidemi: you are scaring me Femi. You know that I’m always available for you.

Me: my love is for you is not scared; it’s very pure and scarce. It’s not the kind of love politicians have for their party nor is it the kind of love a daughter has for her baby doll. My love for you is real and you know that already.

Bidemi: (voice calm) thank you Femi. I love you too and I wish to spend the rest of my life with you.

Me: me too. Where are you now?

Bidemi: I’m at home now but I would soon go back to the hospital.

Me: okay, what about kikelomo? Is she there with you?

Bidemi: no, she went to get daddy’s clothes from the dry cleaners: as soon as she comes back, we are off.

I knew immediately that with kikelomo around, I don’t have a chance with Bidemi.

Me: okay dear, I hope he will be discharged soon.

Bidemi: (voice excited) yes, the doctor said he will be discharged today. He might come back with us today.

It’s been long that I saw Bidemi that excited about something; but who would blame her. It’s her dad we are talking about here. I showed how happy I am on the phone but deep down within me, I know that there’s no way I’m getting down with Bidemi anytime soon. She terminated the call when she told me that her sister is back.

I’m now back to reality. I now know that the meaning of “you don’t value what you have until you loses it”.

If Adedoyin and Sarah were around now: I would have been laid by one of them between one of these days and even got paid. I wallowed in silence.

I was about resigning to my faith when Ronke called me. I felt excited when I saw that the caller was hers but my fear of Tunde couldn’t let me pick her call. She called thrice and I refused to pick her call. I just kept wondering how my almost perfect love life turned out to be like this now. I was lost in thought when Tunde’s call brought me back to reality. I picked it.

Me: (smiling) my guy.

Tunde: (smiling) what’s up Femi? I have been calling you with Ronke’s number and you refused to pick.

Hope you are still not obsessed with us?

Me: (laughing) no oo. I was not with the phone when she called; it’s my sister that brought the phone to me when it kept ringing.

Tunde: (smiling) is it the same girl you introduced to us as your sister?

Me: yes, she is my only sister

Tunde: she is very beautiful: I’m very sure that by now guys will be flooding your gate now.

I don’t like people saying things like that about my sister. It really gets me mad. I tried to change the topic but he kept bringing Funmilayo into it. I hope that this guy is not getting mad. Flirting with her a minor and my lovely sister.

To Be Continued

My people How far?

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