Monday 28 November 2016



I checked the cupboard where indomie and spagheti is regularly kept in the kitchen and brought out two "hungry man size" packs of indomie. I rapidly put some water on the gas cooker to bubble for a few minutes before I empty the indomie into it. 

I included the flavor and the pepper before I break four crisp eggs into it. In around 6minutes I was finished with everything. 

I served all the indomie in a major plate before I took it to Motunrayo in the sitting. She looked astonished to see me accompanying the plate of indomie inside a very short time. 

I put the food before her before I brought out extremely chill malt from the refrigerator for her to chill off. She declined to eat until I joined her and we both ate together. 

However, I just ate little part of it since I have had breakfast some time recently. I anticipated that her would compliment the sustenance while we eat however she didn't let out the slightest peep all through. We completed the process of eating and I inquired as to whether she loved the sustenance. 

Me: (grinning while featuring specifically at her) How is the nourishment? Do you like it? 

Motunrayo: (grinning). To state reality; on the off chance that I need to give you a pass stamp for the food I will simply give you 50/100. 

Me: (grinning yet looking at pale without flinching). Why 50/100? Is the food not good? 

Motunrayo: (grinning facetiously). It's delightful and I like it but...I didn't let her complete her statement before I cut her off 

Me: (cut her off). Why do you now rate me 50/100 when you said yourself that it's sweet and you like it? 

Motunrayo: why do you cut me off? You don't give me a chance to complete before you talk. The reason I give you 50 out of 100 is on the grounds that the indomie you cooked is a fast food that has as of now been bundled with the measure of flavor to cook it. 

You don't have to include any salt or maggi separated from the one that accompanied it which was at that point measured by the maker so you can't contrast it and when you cook other sustenance like rice and beans or soup and pound yam or eba. I simply hold up persistently until she completed her clarification before I answer. I would not like to interfere with her once more 

Me: (grinning). Be that as it may, I am still the one that cooked it. The indomie can't cook itself without me cooking it. 

Motunrayo: (grinning). That is the reason I gave you 50 since you were the one that cooked it. The other 50 goes to the producers. 

Me: (grinning facetiously). You can't be an instructor o dear, on the grounds that in the event that you ought to be an educator you will be an extremely evil one. Furthermore, am certain barely will your understudies have the capacity to pass your subject. She just started to grin when she doesn't recognize what else to state. 

I joined her in chuckling and we both giggled for quite a while before I stuffed the plate to go and wash it in the kitchen however she gather it from me and she said she will wash it. I didn't contend, simply agree to her desire. She conveys the plate to the kitchen while I took after her from the back. 

The way she shakes her bombom as she stroll to the kitchen make my OGA hop up from my Trouser. I nearly grasped her instantly however I figure out how to oppose myself. 

Not that my charisma was high or am having larger amount of s*xual urges this time, however my brain was not free of having intercourse with Motunrayo today. 

My entire believed is to get laid with her by any strategy I should utilize. I can't give her Bleep me a chance to up like the way she does the first occasion when she came to visit me. 

We were headed to the kitchen when my telephone started to ring from the parlor. I was so somewhere down in thought fantasizing how will get laid with her in my mind that I couldn't hear that my telephone was ringing from the living room. 

It was her that heard the telephone ringing first and she cautions me to go and addressed it in the wake of questioning me about what I was believing that I couldn't hear my own ringing tone. I stammered a few words to reason myself to backpedal to the living room to pick my telephone while she proceeded with her voyage to the kitchen to wash the plate. I got to the telephone and checked the guest just to see that it was Sarah. 

Say thanks to God Motunrayo is currently in the kitchen washing the plate. I picked my telephone from where I put it yet raced to my space to answer the call. I don't need motunrayo to hear my discussion with Sarah. 

I can't permit my telephone discussion to bring about pointless contention amongst me and Motunrayo and afterward ruin my very much arranged date with her today or make her to start to presume me superfluously. 

In any case, before I got to my room the ringing has ceased. I considered redialing her number to get back to her when she got back to once more. I could hear the sound of plates getting each other from the kitchen so I know motunrayo was at that point washing the plates. At that point I picked yet minimize my voice to the most minimal volume. 

Sarah: hi femi 

Me: (low voice) Good day dear. How's it hanging with you? 

Sarah: (grinning) I am fine sweetheart. How are you getting along as well? 

Me: (low voice). I am doing fine excessively sweetheart. What about Adedoyin? I was getting some information about Adedoyin when I started to hear her voice from the foundation. I didn't know she was there with sarah before however when I heard her talking from the foundation I know they were positively together. At that point I realize that Sarah put the telephone on speaker for them two to hear me. 

Adedoyin: (talking from the foundation and grinning). I am fine here dear. 

Me: (low voice however grinning) trust you all have lovely evenings 

Sarah&Adedoyin: (grinning) yes we did, how was your night as well? 

Me: (grinning however sounding miserable with my low voice) it was dazzling, I woke up in the night considering you folks. I was at that point missing you all even before you voyaged. 

I don't know I could feel this awful on the grounds that you folks will travel together however… . Sarah didn't give me a chance to close before she cut me off. 

Sarah: (Cut me off). Femi we are sad in light of the fact that we will abandon you like this. 

Be that as it may, you know we are not leaving until the end of time. Furthermore, we will miss you especially too dear, you ought to realize that. 

Me: (Low Voice). I comprehend, I am simply communicating my sentiments to you all. In any case, since you are going for business, it's great. What's more, I will expect you folks back 

before long. 

Adedoyin: (grinning) don't stress dear; we will be back before you even know it. Coincidentally, you did a magnificent work that yesterday. Much thanks we are appreciative for it. 

Me: (grinning). You don't need to express gratitude toward me for that now. I simply did my occupation as you say. 

Sarah: (grinning). Much obliged to you for the occupation well-done. The three of us started to snicker after she said that before I answered her. 

Me: (grinning). You are welcome dear. I recollect Adedoyin gave me an envelope before I cleared out blue top inn; I haven't much recall to check the substance of the envelope yet. I choose to express gratitude toward them both for the envelope as well. 

Me: (grinning) thank you all too for the envelope. I truly value it. 

Sarah&Adedoyn: (grinning) it's nothing dear. 

Simply expect what we guaranteed you in your record before we go. (I know our discussion is getting too long yet I would prefer not to drag out it any further on the grounds that I could hear Motunrayo stride drawing closer from the parlor. 

I immediately released sarah and Adedoyin on telephone subsequent to telling them two I cherish you and we both guaranteed to call each other later before they at long last made a trip to Dubia. 

I checked the minutes of my call and it was 10 minutes. I think about whether motunrayo utilized 10minutes to wash only one indomie pot and a plate. 

Be that as it may, she came in very quickly I finished the call; I thought possibly she caught my discussion when I said I cherish you to my sugar moms. 

My heart beat was raised up a short time sitting tight for what she will state… . 

To be coninued… .

Read Previous Episode >>>HERE

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