Monday 21 November 2016



I know that their relationship is waxing stronger like ours. I just have to hope that it won’t result to what happened between Bidemi and I today. I was trying to remove the devilish thought from my mind when my lovely sister enters. She bought a tray of food. I smiled at her as she served me my dinner.

Me: (smiling) it’s good to see you more lively again.

Funmilayo: (chuckles)

Me: I hope your friendship with Bayo last longer this time.

Funmilayo: (smiling)

Me: can I ask you a question?

Funmilayo: (curious) yes Bros

Me: Don’t you have female friends to be your best friend apart from a guy?

Funmilayo: (smiling) I once had but things did not turn out well. Why do you ask?

Me: it’s nothing really…. I just don’t think relationships that start from best friends actually works. I’m very sure that you know what I’m driving at?

Funmilayo: (smiling) I and Bayo are just friends; nothing more to it.

Me: (smiling) I just don’t want you to get hurt because girls don’t get over a bad relationship like the way we guys does and your recent misunderstanding with Bayo can attest to that.

Funmilayo: (smiling) I have heard you Brother Femi… can you please eat your food now before it gets cold?

It was when I opened the food that I knew that she dished our food together. It felt strange. Maybe it’s because of the chat we had. We stole glances at each other. I can’t but stop wondering what was going through her mind. We finished eating and she packed up the plate and left the room without uttering a word. She’s the least of my worries now. I just pray that she doesn’t get hurt with her fragile heart.

I yawned and that signals that I’m in need for rest. I changed my phone from silence to normal; I don’t want Bidemi to call me and I didn’t pick. I was about dropping the phone when her call entered. I picked with a big smile on my face.

Me: (smiling) hello dear!

Bidemi: (smiling) good evening Femi… just finished eating with my parents now. I’m sorry for not calling earlier as I promise

Me: I understand.. I just removed my phone from silence, should incase you call and I have slept off

Bidemi: (smiling) that’s very thoughtful of you… can I ask you a question?

Me: (confused) sure…

Bidemi: have you had s*xx with anyone before?

I knew that was what she was trying to ask all day. I pretended that I didn’t hear her.

Me: I dint get you well

Bidemi: I know you understand me very well. Just tell me the truth.

Me: (pulsed faster) yes, but I started enjoying s*xx today.

Bidemi: (voice sad) Who was it? Ruka right.

Me: Bidemi… hanhan. No.. its not Ruka. It’s Aunt Mary.

Bidemi: which Aunty Mary are you talking about? Your house help then.

Me: (low voice) yes… she …..

Bidemi: (curious) what’s it Femi? You know that I don’t like being kept in the dark.

Femi: (low voice) she took advantage of me when I was young. We did it against my wish. It’s very painful thing to remember.

Bidemi: (shocked) I’m sorry to hear that. Why dint you tell your parents?

Me: I was very young and scared of the event then… besides She threatened to kill me if I did.

Read Next Episode >>>HERE

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